courtesy by ANSALDO

To increase the vacuum pressure inside condensing steam turbines and improve the reliability and safety of the vacuum system, the following methods can be utilized:

  1. Water Seal Systems with Ejector Units:
  • Install water seal systems with ejector units at appropriate locations in the condenser. Ejectors use high-pressure motive steam to create a vacuum by entraining and removing non-condensable gases.
  • The water seal system ensures a tight seal between the condenser and the atmosphere, preventing air ingress and maintaining the vacuum pressure.
  • Regularly inspect and maintain the water seal system to ensure proper operation and prevent leaks.
  1. Cooling Water Interchangers:
  • Incorporate cooling water interchangers or auxiliary cooling systems in the condenser to enhance heat transfer and improve the condensation process.
  • Optimize the cooling water flow and temperature to achieve better condenser performance and, consequently, higher vacuum pressure.
  • Regularly monitor and maintain the cooling water system to prevent fouling and scaling, which can negatively impact vacuum pressure.
  1. Steam Jet Air Ejectors:
  • Use steam jet air ejectors as an alternative to water seal systems with ejector units. Steam jet ejectors create a vacuum by expanding motive steam and entraining non-condensable gases.
  • Properly size and configure the steam jet ejectors to ensure sufficient capacity and efficiency.
  • Regularly inspect and maintain the steam jet ejectors, including the steam supply and condensate drainage systems.
  1. Air Extraction Systems:
  • Incorporate air extraction systems in the condenser to remove non-condensable gases from the system. This can be done using air extraction pumps or vacuum pumps.
  • Properly size and configure the air extraction system based on the anticipated gas load and desired vacuum pressure.
  • Regularly monitor and maintain the air extraction system to ensure its effectiveness in removing non-condensable gases.
  1. Monitoring and Control:
  • Implement a comprehensive monitoring and control system to continuously monitor the vacuum pressure and temperature inside the condenser.
  • Use instrumentation such as vacuum gauges and temperature sensors to provide real-time data for analysis and control.
  • Implement an automated control system that adjusts operating parameters, such as cooling water flow, steam pressure, and motive steam flow, to maintain the desired vacuum pressure.
  1. Regular Maintenance and Inspection:
  • Develop and implement a preventive maintenance program that includes regular inspection and cleaning of the condenser and associated systems.
  • Conduct periodic testing and inspection of the water seal systems, ejector units, cooling water interchangers, and other components to detect any potential issues or leaks.
  • Perform cleaning and descaling of the condenser tubes and other heat transfer surfaces to maintain optimum performance.
  1. Operator Training and Procedures:
  • Provide comprehensive training to operators on the proper operation and maintenance of the vacuum system.
  • Develop standardized operating procedures that outline best practices for maintaining and operating the vacuum system.
  • Ensure operators are knowledgeable about the importance of maintaining the vacuum pressure and are trained to respond effectively to any deviations or abnormalities.

By implementing these measures, the vacuum pressure inside condensing steam turbines can be increased, leading to improved reliability, safety, and reduced critical failures and unscheduled shutdowns in both existing plants and new projects in the oil, gas, and power generation industries.


While utilizing water seal systems with ejector units, cooling water interchangers, and other similar or equivalent systems can improve the vacuum pressure inside condensing steam turbines, there are some limitations in engineering and design that should be considered. These limitations include:

  1. Equipment Size and Space Constraints:
  • Incorporating additional equipment such as water seal systems, ejector units, and cooling water interchangers may require sufficient space within the condenser and surrounding areas.
  • Existing plants may have limited space, making it challenging to retrofit new systems. In new projects, proper planning and design considerations are required to accommodate these systems.
  1. Compatibility and Integration:
  • The design and integration of water seal systems, ejector units, and cooling water interchangers should be compatible with the existing condensing steam turbine system.
  • Compatibility issues may arise due to differences in equipment specifications, sizes, connections, and interfaces. Proper engineering design is required to ensure seamless integration.
  1. System Complexity and Maintenance:
  • The addition of water seal systems, ejector units, and cooling water interchangers increases the complexity of the vacuum system.
  • Complex systems may require additional maintenance efforts, specialized training for operators, and a more comprehensive preventive maintenance program to ensure proper functioning and reliability.
  1. Efficiency and Performance Trade-offs:
  • The performance of the vacuum system is influenced by various factors such as condenser design, cooling water temperature, steam flow rates, and system configuration.
  • Implementing additional systems may introduce efficiency trade-offs, as energy is required for operating ejector units or cooling water interchangers. Engineering design should strive to achieve an optimal balance between improved vacuum pressure and energy consumption.
  1. Cost Considerations:
  • The implementation of water seal systems, ejector units, and cooling water interchangers involves additional equipment, installation costs, and ongoing maintenance expenses.
  • The cost-effectiveness of these systems needs to be carefully evaluated, considering the benefits gained in terms of improved reliability, safety, and reduced critical failures and unscheduled shutdowns.
  1. System Reliability and Dependencies:
  • The reliability of the vacuum system can be affected by the reliability of the added components, such as ejector units and cooling water interchangers.
  • The dependency on these components and their associated systems should be carefully considered, and appropriate redundancy or backup systems may need to be implemented to mitigate potential failures or maintenance activities.
  1. System Compatibility with Different Turbine Types:
  • The design considerations and limitations for improving vacuum pressure may vary depending on the specific type and configuration of the condensing steam turbine.
  • Different turbine manufacturers may have specific recommendations and limitations for integrating and modifying the vacuum system.

It is essential to carefully assess these limitations during the engineering and design phase to ensure that the selected systems and modifications effectively improve the vacuum pressure while maintaining overall system reliability, safety, and performance in the oil, gas, and power generation industries. Thorough analysis, simulation studies, and collaboration with experienced engineering firms can help address these limitations and optimize the design for each specific application.

courtesy by ANSALDO


  1. WHY to Improve Vacuum Pressure:
  • Higher vacuum pressure improves the efficiency of the steam turbine by increasing the temperature difference between the steam and cooling medium, resulting in better heat transfer and power generation.
  • Improved vacuum pressure reduces the risk of air leakage into the system, which can cause corrosion, reduce turbine efficiency, and lead to operational issues.
  1. WHEN and WHERE to Implement Improvements:
  • Improvements can be made during the design phase of new projects or as retrofit solutions in existing plants.
  • Enhancements can be applied to a wide range of applications in the oil, gas, and power generation industries where condensing steam turbines are utilized.
  1. WHAT Improvements to Consider:
  • Water Seal Systems: Water seal systems create a barrier to prevent air ingress into the turbine and maintain airtight conditions. Ejector units can be employed to enhance the efficiency of the water seal system by continuously removing non-condensable gases.
  • Cooling Water Interchangers: These systems utilize cooling water to lower the temperature of the condenser and enhance heat transfer efficiency. They can help improve vacuum pressure by maintaining lower temperatures and reducing the condensation pressure.
  1. WHICH System Design to Choose:
  • The selection of water seal systems, ejector units, cooling water interchangers, or other equivalent systems depends on factors such as turbine specifications, system requirements, available space, and budget considerations.
  • It is important to consult with engineering experts and manufacturers to determine the most suitable design based on the specific application.
  1. HOW to Implement Improvements:
  • Conduct a thorough assessment of the existing vacuum system, including condenser design, equipment performance, and operating conditions.
  • Perform feasibility studies, system modeling, and simulations to evaluate the impact of proposed improvements on vacuum pressure, efficiency, and power generation.
  • Engage experienced engineering firms to develop detailed engineering designs, considering factors such as equipment sizing, integration, piping, and controls.
  • Ensure proper installation, commissioning, and testing of the upgraded systems, adhering to industry standards and best practices.
  • Implement a comprehensive maintenance program to monitor and inspect the system regularly, including routine checks, preventive maintenance, and addressing any issues promptly.

By improving the vacuum pressure through the implementation of water seal systems, ejector units, cooling water interchangers, or equivalent systems, you can enhance the reliability, safety, efficiency, and power output of condensing steam turbines. These improvements can help reduce the risk of critical failures and unscheduled shutdowns in existing plants and contribute to the success of new projects in the oil, gas, and power generation industries.


  1. Procedures and Actions:

a. Vacuum System Assessment:

  • Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the existing vacuum system, including condenser design, equipment performance, and operational conditions.
  • Identify areas for improvement and potential bottlenecks that may be affecting the vacuum pressure.

b. Feasibility Studies and Simulations:

  • Perform feasibility studies to evaluate the technical and economic viability of implementing water seal systems with ejector units, cooling water interchangers, or equivalent systems.
  • Use system modeling and simulations to assess the impact of proposed improvements on vacuum pressure, efficiency, and power output.

c. Engineering Design and Installation:

  • Engage experienced engineering firms to develop detailed engineering designs, considering factors such as equipment sizing, integration, piping, and controls.
  • Ensure proper installation, commissioning, and testing of the upgraded systems, adhering to industry standards and best practices.

d. Maintenance and Monitoring:

  • Implement a comprehensive maintenance program to monitor and inspect the vacuum system regularly.
  • Conduct routine checks, preventive maintenance, and address any issues promptly to ensure optimal system performance.
  1. Studies and Mitigations:

a. Performance Analysis:

  • Conduct performance analysis to identify any inefficiencies, air leakage points, or system limitations that may be impacting the vacuum pressure.
  • Identify and mitigate potential causes of reduced performance, such as fouling, scaling, or inadequate cooling water flow.

b. Non-Condensable Gas Removal:

  • Study the presence and removal of non-condensable gases, which can negatively affect vacuum pressure. Implement ejector units to continuously remove non-condensable gases and maintain optimal vacuum conditions.

c. Condenser Cleaning and Maintenance:

  • Develop and implement procedures for condenser cleaning to prevent fouling and scaling, which can decrease heat transfer efficiency and affect vacuum pressure.
  • Regularly inspect and clean condenser tubes, ensure proper water treatment, and address any issues that may impact heat transfer.
  1. Recommendations:

a. Collaboration with Experts:

  • Seek advice from engineering experts, consultants, and equipment manufacturers specializing in vacuum systems to ensure the best design and implementation practices.

b. Optimization and Control:

  • Implement advanced control strategies to optimize vacuum pressure and system performance, including monitoring and adjusting operating parameters.

c. Technology and Innovation:

  • Stay updated with the latest advancements in vacuum system technology and explore innovative solutions that can enhance efficiency, power generation, and reliability.

d. Training and Competence Development:

  • Provide training to the operating and maintenance personnel to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to operate and maintain the vacuum system effectively.

By following these procedures, taking appropriate actions, conducting studies, implementing mitigations, and following the recommendations, it is possible to improve the vacuum pressure inside condensing steam turbines. This can lead to enhanced reliability, safety, efficiency, power generation, and reduced critical failures and unscheduled shutdowns in existing plants and new projects within the oil, gas, and power generation industries.

courtesy by DOOSAN