Typical technics in vibration analysis such as time signal and waveform, frequency spectrum analysis, bode diagram (run-up & coast-down), polar diagram, waterfall plots, shaft orbit, shaft centerline position, in Turbomachinery




  1. Time Signal and Waveform Analysis:

    • The time signal represents the vibration amplitude as a function of time.
    • It provides insights into the overall vibration behavior and helps identify any significant changes or patterns.
    • Waveform analysis involves visual inspection of the time signal to detect irregularities, such as spikes, oscillations, or unexpected trends.
  2. Frequency Spectrum Analysis:

    • Frequency spectrum analysis involves transforming the time domain signal into the frequency domain using techniques like the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
    • It reveals the distribution of vibration energy across different frequencies.
    • Frequency spectrum analysis helps identify the presence of specific fault frequencies or frequency components related to the turbomachinery operation.
  3. Bode Diagram (Run-up & Coast-down):

    • The Bode diagram is a plot that represents the frequency response characteristics of the turbomachinery system.
    • During run-up (increasing speed) and coast-down (decreasing speed), the Bode diagram shows how the system responds to changes in frequency and amplitude.
    • It helps identify resonance frequencies, damping characteristics, and potential issues related to speed changes.
  4. Polar Diagram:

    • A polar diagram represents the amplitude and phase angle of vibration at different angular positions around a rotating shaft.
    • It helps identify shaft unbalance and misalignment issues by highlighting the dominant vibration directions.
    • The polar diagram can aid in adjusting the balance weights or aligning the shaft to reduce vibration levels.
  5. Waterfall Plots:

    • Waterfall plots display the frequency spectrum as a function of time.
    • They provide a dynamic view of how the vibration energy changes over time.
    • Waterfall plots help identify changes in vibration behavior during transient events, startup/shutdown, or varying operating conditions.
  6. Shaft Orbit:

    • A shaft orbit plot represents the vibration trajectory of the rotating shaft.
    • It visualizes the shaft’s radial and axial movements as it rotates.
    • Shaft orbit plots are useful for detecting dynamic unbalance, misalignment, or issues with bearing clearances.
  7. Shaft Centerline Position:

    • Monitoring the position of the shaft centerline helps assess the rotor’s dynamic behavior.
    • Deviations from the ideal centerline position indicate potential misalignment, instability, or shaft bending issues.
    • Shaft centerline measurements can be obtained using proximity probes or displacement sensors.

These typical techniques in vibration analysis provide valuable insights into the behavior of turbomachinery and assist in diagnosing faults. They help identify and characterize specific fault conditions such as unbalance, misalignment, bearing defects, resonance, or rotor instability. By employing these techniques, engineers and maintenance personnel can take appropriate actions to mitigate vibration issues, improve reliability, optimize performance, and ensure the safe operation of centrifugal compressors, gas turbines, and steam turbines.


  1. Why Use Typical Techniques in Vibration Analysis:

    • These techniques provide valuable insights into the behavior of turbomachinery, helping identify and diagnose faults or abnormal vibration patterns.
    • By analyzing vibration data, these techniques assist in improving the reliability, safety, operational performance, and maintenance practices of turbomachinery.
    • They aid in detecting and addressing issues such as unbalance, misalignment, bearing defects, resonance, or rotor instability, thereby preventing catastrophic failures and minimizing downtime.
  2. When to Use Typical Techniques:

    • These techniques are utilized during routine inspections, condition monitoring, troubleshooting, or when abnormal vibration behavior is suspected.
    • They are employed during commissioning, regular maintenance, or when there are changes in operating conditions or performance degradation.
  3. Where to Apply Typical Techniques:

    • Typical techniques in vibration analysis can be applied to various types of turbomachinery, including centrifugal compressors, gas turbines, and special steam turbines.
    • They are relevant in power generation plants, oil and gas industries, manufacturing facilities, and other sectors where turbomachinery is utilized.
  4. What Typical Techniques Provide:

    • Time signal and waveform analysis provide information about the overall vibration behavior, allowing for the detection of irregularities or patterns.
    • Frequency spectrum analysis reveals the distribution of vibration energy across different frequencies, aiding in the identification of fault frequencies or operation-related components.
    • Bode diagrams illustrate the frequency response characteristics during run-up and coast-down, helping identify resonance frequencies, damping characteristics, and issues related to speed changes.
    • Polar diagrams assist in detecting shaft unbalance and misalignment by highlighting dominant vibration directions.
    • Waterfall plots provide a dynamic view of how vibration energy changes over time, aiding in identifying changes during transient events or varying operating conditions.
    • Shaft orbit plots visualize the vibration trajectory of the rotating shaft, assisting in the detection of dynamic unbalance, misalignment, or issues with bearing clearances.
    • Shaft centerline position monitoring helps assess rotor dynamics, identifying potential misalignment, instability, or shaft bending issues.
  5. Which Techniques to Use:

    • The choice of techniques depends on the specific objectives, suspected faults, available data, and the type of turbomachinery being analyzed.
    • A combination of techniques may be employed to gather comprehensive insights into the vibration behavior of the turbomachinery system.
  6. How to Apply Typical Techniques:

    • Acquire vibration data using appropriate sensors and measurement techniques, ensuring proper calibration and positioning.
    • Perform data analysis using specialized software or algorithms to apply the chosen techniques and extract meaningful insights.
    • Interpret the results in conjunction with other diagnostic information, such as equipment history, maintenance records, or operational conditions.
    • Utilize the findings to make informed decisions regarding maintenance actions, corrective measures, or further investigations.

By applying these typical techniques in vibration analysis, engineers and maintenance personnel can gain valuable insights into the behavior of turbomachinery, detect faults, and take proactive actions to improve reliability, safety, and operational performance. It is essential to consider the specific application, consult with experts, and follow established procedures and standards to ensure accurate and effective analysis.



  1. Time Signal and Waveform Analysis:

    • Advantages:
      • Provides a direct visualization of vibration behavior over time.
      • Helps identify sudden changes, irregularities, and patterns in vibration signals.
      • Useful for detecting transient events and intermittent faults.
    • Application:
      • Quick assessment of overall vibration behavior and identification of abnormal conditions.
  2. Frequency Spectrum Analysis:

    • Advantages:
      • Enables identification of fault frequencies and their harmonics.
      • Provides a clear representation of the distribution of vibration energy across different frequencies.
      • Helps diagnose specific fault conditions and track changes over time.
    • Application:
      • Detection and characterization of faults, such as unbalance, misalignment, and bearing defects.
  3. Bode Diagram (Run-up & Coast-down):

    • Advantages:
      • Reveals the dynamic response characteristics of the turbomachinery system.
      • Helps identify resonance frequencies and assess system stability.
      • Provides insights into damping characteristics and critical speeds.
    • Application:
      • Determination of safe operating speed ranges and assessment of system stability.
  4. Polar Diagram:

    • Advantages:
      • Visualizes the dominant vibration directions and amplitudes.
      • Facilitates detection of unbalance and misalignment issues.
      • Helps determine corrective actions for reducing vibration levels.
    • Application:
      • Balancing and alignment procedures to minimize vibration and improve machine performance.
  5. Waterfall Plots:

    • Advantages:
      • Provides a dynamic view of how vibration energy changes over time and frequency.
      • Helps identify changes in vibration behavior during varying operating conditions or transient events.
      • Facilitates detection of developing faults or abnormal patterns in the vibration signal.
    • Application:
      • Monitoring changes in vibration behavior and identifying emerging faults.
  6. Shaft Orbit:

    • Advantages:
      • Visualizes the trajectory of the rotating shaft’s vibration.
      • Aids in detecting dynamic unbalance, misalignment, or bearing clearance issues.
      • Helps identify and quantify the severity of vibration problems.
    • Application:
      • Diagnosis of rotor-related faults and assessment of machine dynamics.
  7. Shaft Centerline Position:

    • Advantages:
      • Monitors the position of the shaft centerline for misalignment or instability.
      • Helps identify bending or axial movement issues.
      • Aids in assessing the performance and integrity of the machine.
    • Application:
      • Detection and correction of misalignment, instability, or shaft-related issues.


  1. Subjectivity: Interpretation of vibration data may involve some subjectivity, requiring experienced analysts for accurate diagnosis and decision-making.

  2. Limited Spatial Information: Some techniques provide localized information, limiting the ability to detect faults occurring in other areas of the turbomachinery system.

  3. Complex Data Analysis: Advanced analysis techniques may require specialized software, algorithms, and expertise, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.

  4. Cost: Implementation of certain techniques may involve additional costs for equipment, sensors, data acquisition systems, and training.

  5. Data Interpretation Challenges: Interpretation of vibration data requires a thorough understanding of the specific turbomachinery system, its operating conditions, and potential fault scenarios.

  6. Sensitivity to External Factors: Environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, and external vibrations, may influence the accuracy and reliability of vibration measurements.

  7. Data Integration: Combining data from multiple techniques and sensors may present challenges in terms of data integration and analysis.

To maximize the benefits and overcome the limitations, it is crucial to ensure proper training, expertise, and collaboration among vibration analysts, maintenance personnel, and equipment manufacturers. Regular calibration and maintenance of measurement systems are essential for accurate and reliable data. Additionally, integrating vibration analysis with other condition monitoring techniques and maintenance practices can provide a comprehensive approach to enhancing the reliability, safety, and operational performance of centrifugal compressors, gas turbines, and special steam turbines.


  1. Establish a Vibration Analysis Program:

    • Define the objectives and scope of the vibration analysis program, including the specific techniques to be employed.
    • Identify the key turbomachinery systems, components, and parameters of interest for analysis.
    • Allocate resources, including personnel, time, and budget, to support the vibration analysis program.
  2. Data Acquisition and Preparation:

    • Identify the appropriate sensors and data acquisition system to capture vibration data from critical locations on the turbomachinery.
    • Ensure the sensors are properly installed, calibrated, and maintained to obtain accurate and reliable measurements.
    • Preprocess the vibration data, including filtering, resampling, or data normalization, to enhance the quality and consistency of the data.
  3. Time Signal and Waveform Analysis:

    • Analyze the time-domain signals and waveforms to identify any significant changes, irregularities, or patterns.
    • Look for abnormalities such as spikes, oscillations, or unexpected trends that may indicate fault conditions.
    • Perform visual inspection and comparison with baseline data or historical records to detect deviations or changes in the vibration behavior.
  4. Frequency Spectrum Analysis:

    • Apply frequency spectrum analysis techniques, such as Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), to transform the time-domain data into the frequency domain.
    • Analyze the frequency spectrum to identify the presence of specific fault frequencies, harmonics, or operation-related components.
    • Compare the frequency spectrum with established standards or baseline data to detect changes or anomalies.
  5. Bode Diagram Analysis (Run-up & Coast-down):

    • Perform run-up and coast-down tests to collect vibration data while varying the operating speed of the turbomachinery.
    • Construct Bode diagrams by plotting the frequency response characteristics, including magnitude and phase, as a function of frequency.
    • Analyze the Bode diagrams to identify resonance frequencies, damping characteristics, and any significant changes during speed changes.
  6. Polar Diagram Analysis:

    • Plot polar diagrams to visualize the amplitude and phase angle of vibration at different angular positions around a rotating shaft.
    • Analyze the polar diagrams to detect shaft unbalance, misalignment, or other issues related to dominant vibration directions.
    • Adjust balance weights or perform alignment procedures based on the polar diagram analysis to reduce vibration levels.
  7. Waterfall Plots Analysis:

    • Generate waterfall plots by displaying the frequency spectrum as a function of time.
    • Analyze the waterfall plots to identify changes in vibration behavior during transient events, varying operating conditions, or startup/shutdown procedures.
    • Look for trends, frequency shifts, or increases in specific frequency components that may indicate developing faults or abnormal behavior.
  8. Shaft Orbit and Centerline Position Analysis:

    • Measure the shaft orbit and centerline position using proximity probes or displacement sensors.
    • Analyze the orbit plots to detect dynamic unbalance, misalignment, or issues with bearing clearances.
    • Monitor the centerline position for deviations from the ideal position, which may indicate misalignment, instability, or shaft bending issues.
  9. Fault Diagnosis and Mitigation:

    • Utilize the analysis results to diagnose the root causes of vibration issues in turbomachinery.
    • Perform additional tests, inspections, or measurements to confirm the identified faults and assess their severity.
    • Develop mitigation strategies and action plans based on the diagnostic findings, considering corrective maintenance actions, design modifications, or operational adjustments.
  10. Continuous Monitoring and Improvement:

    • Implement a continuous monitoring program to track the vibration behavior of the turbomachinery over time.
    • Regularly review and analyze the vibration data to detect any emerging faults or changes in the vibration patterns.
    • Incorporate the findings into maintenance practices, reliability programs, and operational decision-making to improve the overall performance and safety of the turbomachinery.

It is important to involve experienced personnel with expertise in vibration analysis, turbomachinery behavior, and diagnostic methodologies to carry out these procedures effectively. Collaboration with manufacturers, industry experts, and specialized diagnostic service providers can also bring valuable insights and support to the vibration analysis efforts.

By implementing these procedures, actions, studies, analysis techniques, mitigations, and recommendations, organizations can effectively use vibration analysis techniques to improve the reliability, safety, and operational performance of centrifugal compressors, gas turbines, and special steam turbines. Regular vibration analysis and proactive maintenance based on the findings can help optimize the performance of turbomachinery, extend its operational life, and prevent costly unplanned downtime.