1. Failure analysis: When a failure or unexpected shutdown occurs in a gas turbine, a thorough failure analysis should be conducted to determine the root cause of the issue. This analysis should include a review of operating conditions, maintenance history, and equipment design.

  2. Inspection and maintenance: Regular inspections and maintenance of critical parts in gas turbines, such as turbine blades, combustors, and bearings, can help prevent unexpected failures. Maintenance activities should include monitoring of vibration and temperature, oil analysis, and visual inspections.

  3. Operating procedures: Proper operating procedures for gas turbines should be established and followed to minimize the risk of failures or unexpected shutdowns. These procedures should include guidelines for startup and shutdown, as well as operating parameters such as fuel quality, temperature, and pressure.

  4. Training: Operators and maintenance personnel should receive training on the proper operation and maintenance of gas turbines. This training should cover topics such as equipment design, operating procedures, maintenance practices, and troubleshooting.

  5. Design improvements: Gas turbine manufacturers should continuously improve the design of their equipment to minimize the risk of failures or unexpected shutdowns. This can include the use of advanced materials, improved blade and combustor designs, and better seals.

  6. Root cause analysis: In addition to failure analysis, a root cause analysis should be conducted to identify the underlying cause of the failure or unexpected shutdown. This analysis should consider factors such as equipment design, operating conditions, and maintenance practices.

  7. Industry standards: Industry standards such as ASME PTC 22 and ISO 3977 provide guidelines for the design, operation, and maintenance of gas turbines. Compliance with these standards can help minimize the risk of failures or unexpected shutdowns.

  8. Risk management: A comprehensive risk management program should be established to identify, evaluate, and mitigate risks associated with gas turbines. This program should include risk assessments, risk mitigation plans, and contingency plans for unexpected failures or shutdowns.


To apply repetitive and critical failure parts studies and analysis as part of the engineering and design in gas turbines, with the aim of improving maintainability, reliability, availability, and safety in existing plants and new projects for power generation plants, oil, gas, and petrochemical industries, the following information provides an overview of the relevant aspects:

Why to Apply Repetitive & Critical Failure Parts Studies and Analysis:

  • Identifying Failure Modes: By conducting studies and analysis on repetitive and critical failure parts, it becomes possible to identify the specific failure modes and understand their underlying causes. This knowledge helps in designing and implementing targeted strategies to mitigate these failures and improve overall reliability.
  • Preventing Downtime: Analyzing repetitive and critical failure parts allows for proactive maintenance planning and the development of strategies to minimize downtime. By addressing known failure modes, the risk of unplanned shutdowns can be reduced, leading to improved availability and productivity.
  • Enhancing Safety: Identifying and addressing repetitive and critical failure parts helps in improving safety by reducing the likelihood of component failures that could lead to hazardous situations or accidents.
  • Cost Reduction: By addressing the root causes of repetitive and critical failures, unnecessary maintenance costs, equipment damage, and associated operational losses can be minimized.

When and Where to Apply Repetitive & Critical Failure Parts Studies and Analysis:

  • New Projects: Repetitive and critical failure parts studies and analysis should be considered during the initial design and engineering stages of new gas turbine projects. This enables the incorporation of preventive measures and the selection of components with a higher degree of reliability.
  • Existing Plants: For existing gas turbine plants, repetitive and critical failure parts studies and analysis can be applied during planned maintenance outages or when reliability issues are encountered. This allows for the identification and rectification of existing failure modes and the implementation of improvements.

What to Analyze in Repetitive & Critical Failure Parts Studies:

  • Failure Data: Gather and analyze failure data from historical records, maintenance logs, and relevant databases to identify the components and failure modes that are repetitive or critical.
  • Failure Modes and Mechanisms: Identify the specific failure modes and understand the mechanisms behind them to develop effective mitigation strategies.
  • Component Interactions: Consider how the failure of one component may impact other components in the gas turbine system and assess potential cascading failures.
  • Environmental Factors: Analyze the effects of environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity, and operational conditions, on the performance and reliability of the repetitive and critical parts.

Which Techniques to Use for Repetitive & Critical Failure Parts Studies:

  • Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA): FMEA is a systematic approach to identify potential failure modes, their causes, and their effects. It helps prioritize failure modes based on their severity and provides insights for developing appropriate mitigation measures.
  • Fault Tree Analysis (FTA): FTA is a graphical technique that determines the combination of events leading to a specific undesired outcome, such as a critical failure. It helps in understanding the logical relationships between events and identifying potential paths for failure prevention.
  • Root Cause Analysis (RCA): RCA is a problem-solving method used to identify the underlying causes of failures. It involves investigating multiple factors, such as design flaws, manufacturing defects, operational errors, and maintenance issues, to determine the root cause of the failure.

How to Apply Repetitive & Critical Failure Parts Studies and Analysis:

  1. Data Collection: Gather relevant data related to gas turbine components, failure history, maintenance records, and operational data. This includes information about specific components, failure modes, frequency of failures, and the impact on safety, reliability, and availability.

  2. Failure Analysis: Conduct a detailed analysis of repetitive and critical failure parts to understand their root causes. This involves performing inspections, tests, and investigations to identify the factors contributing to failures. Techniques such as visual inspections, non-destructive testing, and material analysis can be utilized.

  3. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA): Perform a systematic assessment of failure modes and their potential effects on gas turbine performance, reliability, availability, and safety. This helps in identifying critical failure modes that require immediate attention and provides insights into potential mitigation measures.

  4. Risk Assessment: Evaluate the risks associated with repetitive and critical failure parts. Assess the consequences of failures, including the impact on safety, environmental concerns, production loss, and equipment damage. Prioritize the failures based on their severity and develop a risk management plan.

  5. Mitigation Strategies: Based on the analysis and risk assessment, develop and implement appropriate mitigation strategies to address the identified failure modes. This may involve design modifications, component upgrades, enhanced maintenance practices, or changes in operating procedures. Consider factors such as component selection, material choice, operational limits, and maintenance intervals.

  6. Monitoring and Maintenance: Implement a robust monitoring and maintenance program to track the performance of repetitive and critical failure parts. This includes regular inspections, condition monitoring techniques, and proactive maintenance practices. Use real-time data and analytics to detect early signs of potential failures and take preventive measures.

  7. Documentation and Knowledge Sharing: Maintain a comprehensive record of the analysis, findings, and implemented mitigation strategies. Document lessons learned, best practices, and recommended design and engineering guidelines. Share this knowledge across the organization to improve awareness and facilitate continuous improvement.

  8. Continuous Improvement: Regularly review the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation strategies and monitor the performance of repetitive and critical failure parts. Analyze data from ongoing operations and maintenance to identify any emerging failure patterns or new risks. Continuously update and refine the design, engineering, and maintenance practices based on the feedback and lessons learned.


To apply repetitive and main failure parts analysis based on design and engineering principles for gas turbines, with the aim of improving maintainability, reliability, availability, and safety in existing plants and new projects for power generation plants, oil, gas, and petrochemical industries, the following procedures, actions, studies, mitigations, and recommendations can be followed:

  1. Procedures: a. Establish a structured approach to analyze repetitive and main failure parts in gas turbines, incorporating relevant industry standards and best practices. b. Define the scope of the analysis, considering the specific components, systems, and failure modes to be evaluated. c. Identify the required resources, such as personnel, tools, and documentation, to conduct the analysis effectively. d. Implement a systematic and documented process for capturing and analyzing failure data and conducting the necessary studies.

  2. Actions: a. Collect and review available data on gas turbine failures, including historical maintenance records, failure reports, and equipment performance data. b. Conduct thorough inspections and assessments of gas turbine components and systems to identify potential failure modes and underlying causes. c. Perform detailed failure analysis using techniques such as root cause analysis (RCA), failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), and fault tree analysis (FTA). d. Utilize advanced diagnostic tools and technologies, such as vibration analysis, thermography, and oil analysis, to detect early signs of component deterioration and potential failures. e. Evaluate the impact of failures on the overall gas turbine performance, reliability, availability, and safety.

  3. Studies: a. Analyze failure data and patterns to identify repetitive and main failure parts in gas turbines. b. Investigate the root causes of failures to understand the underlying issues, such as design flaws, material degradation, inadequate maintenance practices, or operational constraints. c. Study the effects of repetitive and main failures on the gas turbine’s performance, maintenance costs, downtime, and overall plant operations. d. Conduct reliability and maintainability studies to assess the impact of failure parts on the gas turbine’s operational availability, mean time between failures (MTBF), and mean time to repair (MTTR).

  4. Mitigations: a. Implement design improvements to address identified failure modes, such as component redesign, material upgrades, or enhanced manufacturing processes. b. Develop and implement proactive maintenance strategies, including condition-based monitoring, predictive maintenance, and preventive maintenance programs. c. Enhance inspection and testing procedures to detect early signs of failure and prevent catastrophic events. d. Establish a spare parts management system to ensure the availability of critical components and reduce downtime in case of failures. e. Implement robust training programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of personnel involved in gas turbine operations, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

  5. Recommendations: a. Foster a culture of safety, reliability, and continuous improvement within the organization. b. Establish effective communication channels between design engineers, maintenance personnel, and operators to share knowledge and insights about failure parts and mitigation measures. c. Collaborate with industry experts, equipment manufacturers, and research institutions to stay updated with the latest advancements in gas turbine design, engineering, and reliability practices. d. Regularly review and update design and engineering standards and guidelines based on the findings and recommendations from failure parts analysis studies. e. Document and disseminate lessons learned and best practices to facilitate knowledge transfer and drive improvements in gas turbine design, engineering, and maintenance.