The OREDA studies have also evaluated the reliability of gas turbines in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries. The studies have been conducted in a similar manner as for centrifugal compressors, with data collection and analysis from various industry participants.

The OREDA studies have identified a number of failure modes and risks associated with gas turbines, including mechanical failure, electrical failure, and control system failure. Some of the critical failure modes for gas turbines include blade damage or failure, bearing failure, and combustion system failure.

To mitigate these risks, OREDA has recommended various actions and procedures for gas turbine maintenance and operation. For example, regular inspections of turbine blades and bearings are recommended to detect early signs of damage or wear. Additionally, proper monitoring of combustion systems and control systems can help to identify potential issues before they cause failures.

Based on the data and analysis, OREDA has also provided recommendations for improving the reliability, maintainability, and availability of gas turbines. These recommendations include the use of advanced monitoring and diagnostic systems, improvements to maintenance practices, and the development of better training programs for turbine operators and maintenance personnel.

The OREDA (Offshore & Onshore Reliability Data) studies include gas turbines as one of the types of machinery analyzed for reliability and safety improvement in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries. The critical risks and failures being evaluated in gas turbines include those that may lead to unplanned shutdowns or accidents, such as:

  1. Rotor failures: These can occur due to various reasons such as material defects, excessive vibrations, and thermal or mechanical stresses. The failure of rotor components can result in catastrophic damage to the gas turbine and other associated machinery.

  2. Combustion system failures: These can occur due to issues with fuel delivery, ignition, and flame stability. These failures can lead to issues such as high emissions, low efficiency, and flameouts, which can cause unplanned shutdowns.

  3. Bearing failures: These can occur due to various reasons such as improper lubrication, contamination, and excessive loads. Bearing failures can result in excessive vibration, high temperatures, and loss of performance.

  4. Blade failures: These can occur due to issues such as material defects, wear, and erosion. Blade failures can lead to reduced efficiency, increased emissions, and in some cases, catastrophic damage to the gas turbine.

The procedures, actions, studies, mitigation measures, conclusions, and recommendations obtained from the OREDA studies for gas turbines involve various aspects such as:

  1. Data collection and analysis: The OREDA studies involve collecting and analyzing data from a large number of gas turbines across various installations. This helps in identifying common failure modes, trends, and patterns that can be used to develop effective mitigation strategies.

  2. Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA): FMEA is a technique used to identify potential failure modes and their effects on gas turbine performance and safety. The OREDA studies use FMEA to identify critical risks and develop appropriate mitigation measures.

  3. Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM): RCM is a maintenance approach that focuses on identifying and prioritizing maintenance tasks based on their impact on gas turbine reliability and safety. The OREDA studies use RCM to develop maintenance plans that optimize gas turbine performance and reduce the risk of failures.

  4. Mitigation measures: The OREDA studies provide recommendations for various mitigation measures such as improved monitoring and control systems, better maintenance practices, and the use of advanced materials and coatings.

  5. Conclusions and recommendations: The OREDA studies provide conclusions and recommendations based on the data collected and analyzed. These conclusions and recommendations are aimed at improving the reliability, maintainability, availability, and safety of gas turbines in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries.


Here’s a comprehensive explanation of how to apply OREDA studies and analysis for gas turbines in order to improve reliability, maintainability, availability, and safety in existing plants and for new projects in power generation within the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries:

  1. Why apply OREDA studies and analysis for gas turbines?

    • OREDA studies provide valuable insights into the performance, failure modes, and maintenance practices related to gas turbines. By applying OREDA data and analysis, you can gain a better understanding of the reliability issues and failure patterns specific to gas turbines. This knowledge enables you to make informed decisions regarding maintenance strategies, equipment design, and operational practices, ultimately improving reliability, maintainability, availability, and safety.
  2. When should OREDA studies and analysis be applied?

    • OREDA studies and analysis can be applied at various stages, including during the design phase, equipment procurement, installation, and throughout the operational lifecycle. For existing plants, it is beneficial to conduct periodic assessments using OREDA studies to identify areas for improvement and optimize maintenance practices. For new projects in power generation, OREDA studies can be applied during the design and equipment selection process to ensure reliability and optimize maintenance strategies from the outset.
  3. Where should OREDA studies and analysis be applied?

    • OREDA studies and analysis can be applied in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries, both in existing plants and for new projects in power generation. Gas turbines are widely used in various applications, including power plants, refineries, and petrochemical facilities. OREDA data and analysis are particularly relevant in these installations to enhance the reliability, maintainability, availability, and safety of gas turbines.
  4. What can be achieved by applying OREDA studies and analysis?

    • By applying OREDA studies and analysis for gas turbines, you can achieve several benefits:
      • Improved reliability: OREDA data helps identify common failure modes, failure rates, and root causes, allowing you to implement proactive maintenance strategies and design improvements to mitigate those issues.
      • Enhanced maintainability: OREDA studies provide information on maintenance activities, intervals, and durations, enabling you to optimize maintenance schedules, spare parts management, and procedures to minimize downtime.
      • Increased availability: By addressing reliability and maintainability issues, you can reduce unplanned downtime, leading to increased availability and improved power generation efficiency.
      • Enhanced safety: OREDA studies can help identify safety-critical components, failure modes, and associated risks. This information can guide the implementation of appropriate safeguards, risk mitigation measures, and safety protocols.
  5. Which specific aspects of OREDA studies should be considered for gas turbines?

    • When applying OREDA studies to gas turbines, consider the following aspects:
      • Failure data analysis: Analyze failure rates, failure modes, and causes specific to gas turbines. This information can guide reliability improvement efforts.
      • Maintenance data analysis: Assess maintenance activities, intervals, and durations to optimize maintenance practices and reduce downtime.
      • Common cause analysis: Identify common causes of failures and implement measures to address those issues systematically.
      • Risk assessment: Evaluate safety-critical components, potential hazards, and associated risks. Use this information to implement appropriate risk mitigation strategies.
      • Benchmarking: Compare your plant’s performance against industry data to identify performance gaps and target areas for improvement.
  6. How to apply OREDA studies and analysis for gas turbines?

    • To apply OREDA studies and analysis for gas turbines, follow these steps:


  1. ccess OREDA Data: Obtain access to the OREDA database or relevant publications specific to gas turbines. This will provide you with valuable industry data on gas turbine reliability, failure modes, maintenance practices, and performance.

  2. Collect Plant-Specific Data: Gather relevant data specific to your existing plant’s gas turbines or the gas turbines planned for a new project. This includes historical maintenance records, failure data, operational parameters, performance data, and design specifications.

  3. Analyze Failure Data: Analyze the failure data collected from your plant or available in the OREDA database to identify common failure modes specific to gas turbines. Compare the failure rates and failure modes with industry benchmarks to determine if your plant experiences similar failure patterns.

  4. Root Cause Analysis: Perform a thorough root cause analysis for identified failure modes. Investigate the underlying causes of failures, such as design issues, material degradation, operating conditions, or maintenance practices. This analysis helps you understand the factors contributing to reliability issues and guides improvement efforts.

  5. Review Maintenance Practices: Evaluate your plant’s or project’s current maintenance practices and procedures for gas turbines. Compare them with industry best practices and recommendations derived from the OREDA data. Identify any gaps or areas for improvement.

  6. Optimize Maintenance Strategies: Based on the findings from the OREDA data and your plant-specific analysis, develop and implement optimized maintenance strategies for gas turbines. Determine appropriate maintenance intervals, tasks, and procedures. Consider implementing condition-based or predictive maintenance techniques to maximize reliability and minimize downtime.

  7. Spare Parts Management: Assess your spare parts inventory management for gas turbines. Utilize the OREDA data and industry insights to optimize your spare parts strategy, ensuring that critical components are readily available when needed. Consider establishing strategic partnerships with suppliers to ensure timely availability of spare parts.

  8. Implement Safety Measures: Utilize the OREDA data to identify safety-critical components, failure modes, and associated risks specific to gas turbines. Evaluate your plant’s or project’s existing safety measures and compare them with industry recommendations. Implement appropriate safeguards, risk mitigation measures, and safety protocols to enhance safety.

  9. Design Optimization (for New Projects): If you’re working on a new project in power generation, leverage the OREDA data and analysis during the design phase. Incorporate lessons learned from OREDA studies into the gas turbine design to enhance reliability, maintainability, availability, and safety. Consider factors such as component selection, redundancy, accessibility for maintenance, and system integration.

  10. Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish a system for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of your gas turbine performance. Continuously collect and analyze data on failures, maintenance activities, equipment condition, and performance parameters. Compare your plant’s or project’s performance against industry benchmarks and utilize the insights gained to further improve reliability, maintainability, availability, and safety.

  11. Continuous Improvement: Foster a culture of continuous improvement by utilizing feedback loops, lessons learned, and feedback from operators, maintenance personnel, and other stakeholders. Regularly update and refine your maintenance strategies, procedures, and design practices based on the evolving OREDA data, industry best practices, and technological advancements.