Performance testing of centrifugal compressors at a shop can help ensure that they meet the specified design criteria and performance requirements. Here are some reasons and advantages of conducting performance tests on centrifugal compressors:

  1. Verify Performance: Performance tests can verify the design and performance parameters of a centrifugal compressor, including the flow rate, head, efficiency, and power consumption. Testing can help ensure that the compressor is capable of meeting the requirements of the process it is designed for.

  2. Identify Defects: Performance tests can also help identify defects or issues in the compressor that may impact its performance or reliability. For example, testing can reveal problems with the impeller, shaft, bearings, or seals that may cause vibration, noise, or premature failure.

  3. Ensure Reliability: By verifying the performance and identifying any potential issues, performance testing can help ensure the reliability of the centrifugal compressor. This can help prevent unplanned shutdowns or downtime, which can be costly and dangerous in some industries.

  4. Improve Safety: Ensuring the reliability of the compressor through performance testing can also improve safety by reducing the risk of equipment failure or accidents. This is especially important in industries such as oil, gas, and petrochemicals where the consequences of equipment failure can be severe.

  5. Optimize Maintenance: Performance testing can also help optimize maintenance of the centrifugal compressor by identifying any issues that need to be addressed. This can help prevent unnecessary maintenance or repairs and ensure that the compressor is running at its best.

  6. Benchmarking: Performance testing can provide a benchmark for future assessments of the compressor. With this data, it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of maintenance and repair work, track changes in the compressor’s performance over time, and plan for future upgrades or replacements.

Overall, performance testing of centrifugal compressors is a critical step in ensuring their reliability, safety, and optimal performance in oil, gas, and petrochemical industries. It can help identify any issues early, prevent unplanned downtime, and provide important data for future maintenance and upgrades.

Performing a performance test at the site where the centrifugal compressor will be operating has several advantages:

  1. Verification of performance: A performance test at the site allows for the verification of the actual performance of the compressor under the specific operating conditions of the client or user plant. This ensures that the compressor is operating within its design limits and that the specified performance parameters are met.

  2. Identification of problems: The performance test can also help to identify any problems with the compressor, such as leaks or vibration issues, which may not have been apparent during the shop test.

  3. Optimization of operation: The test provides an opportunity to optimize the compressor operation, including its control system, to ensure it is operating efficiently and effectively in the specific application.

  4. Training: The performance test can also be used as a training opportunity for the operators and maintenance personnel, allowing them to gain familiarity with the compressor and its operation.

  5. Compliance: In some cases, a performance test at the site may be required by local regulatory agencies or industry standards to ensure compliance with safety and environmental regulations.

Overall, a performance test at the site is an essential step in ensuring the reliable and safe operation of centrifugal compressors in oil, gas, and petrochemical industries, both for new projects and existing process plants.



There are several disadvantages to performing a performance test at the shop for centrifugal compressors. Some of these disadvantages include:

  1. Inaccurate Results: It is possible that the test results obtained at the shop may not accurately represent the actual operating conditions at the site. There may be differences in ambient conditions, piping arrangements, and other factors that can affect compressor performance. This can lead to inaccurate results and incorrect assumptions about the compressor’s performance.

  2. Increased Costs: Conducting a performance test at the shop requires the compressor to be transported to the testing facility. This adds additional costs associated with transportation, setup, and testing. These costs can add up quickly and can make the testing process prohibitively expensive.

  3. Time-Consuming: Performing a performance test at the shop can take a significant amount of time, which can delay project schedules. It may also require the compressor to be out of service for an extended period of time, which can be problematic for process plants that require continuous operation.

  4. Limited Scope: The testing scope may be limited to certain aspects of the compressor’s performance, and other important factors may be overlooked. For example, the test may only focus on the compressor’s efficiency and not consider factors such as reliability, maintainability, or operability.

  5. Lack of Real-World Conditions: Testing at the shop may not fully replicate the real-world conditions under which the compressor will operate. This can result in unreliable data that may not accurately reflect the compressor’s performance in actual operating conditions.

Performing a performance test at the site of a centrifugal compressor can have several disadvantages, including:

  1. Cost: Conducting a performance test on-site can be more expensive than conducting it at a shop. This is because it requires more equipment, personnel, and logistical support.

  2. Downtime: During the performance test, the compressor will be offline, which can result in lost production time and revenue. This can be particularly problematic for plants that operate on a 24/7 basis.

  3. Accessibility: Depending on the location of the compressor, it may be difficult to transport equipment and personnel to the site. This can result in delays and additional costs.

  4. Environmental factors: The site where the compressor is located may not provide optimal conditions for conducting a performance test. For example, high temperatures, humidity, or dust can affect the accuracy of the test results.

  5. Safety: Performing a performance test on-site can be hazardous, particularly if the compressor is located in a hazardous environment, such as an offshore platform. Special safety measures must be taken to ensure the safety of personnel involved in the test.

  6. Interference with other equipment: Conducting a performance test on-site may require shutting down other equipment in the plant, which can affect the overall production process.

Despite these disadvantages, on-site performance testing is essential for ensuring the reliable operation of centrifugal compressors in oil, gas, and petrochemical industries. By conducting tests on-site, potential problems can be identified and corrected before they lead to serious failures, resulting in improved safety, increased uptime, and reduced maintenance costs.


  1. Why apply performance tests at the shop vs. at the site?

    • Performance tests at the shop and at the site serve different purposes:
      • Shop performance tests: These tests are conducted in controlled environments, such as manufacturing facilities or specialized test facilities. They help verify the performance of centrifugal compressors before they are shipped to the installation site. Shop tests ensure that the compressor meets design specifications, performance guarantees, and contractual requirements.
      • Site performance tests: These tests are conducted at the actual installation site, once the centrifugal compressor is installed and integrated into the system. Site tests verify the compressor’s performance under real operating conditions and assess its reliability and safety within the specific plant environment.
  2. When to apply performance tests at the shop vs. at the site?

    • Shop performance tests: These tests are typically conducted during the manufacturing phase, after the completion of the compressor assembly but before it is shipped to the installation site. They ensure that the compressor meets the specified performance criteria and requirements.
    • Site performance tests: These tests are typically conducted after the centrifugal compressor is installed, commissioned, and integrated into the plant system. They verify the compressor’s performance under actual operating conditions, including load variations, temperature, and pressure conditions specific to the site.
  3. Where to apply performance tests at the shop vs. at the site?

    • Shop performance tests: These tests are conducted in controlled environments within manufacturing facilities or specialized test facilities. The compressor is tested before it is transported to the site.
    • Site performance tests: These tests are conducted at the installation site itself, where the compressor is integrated into the plant system. They assess the compressor’s performance within the actual operating environment, accounting for site-specific conditions and system integration.
  4. What is involved in shop performance tests?

    • Shop performance tests typically involve the following:
      • Testing the compressor’s performance against design specifications, performance guarantees, and contractual requirements.
      • Verifying mechanical and aerodynamic performance, including pressure, flow, efficiency, and temperature parameters.
      • Conducting performance mapping across various operating points to assess the compressor’s behavior and characteristics.
      • Assessing mechanical vibrations, clearances, and alignment to ensure they meet specified tolerances.
      • Evaluating the performance of auxiliary systems, controls, and safety features associated with the compressor.
  5. What is involved in site performance tests?

    • Site performance tests typically involve the following:
      • Verifying the compressor’s performance under actual operating conditions, including system pressure, temperature, and flow variations.
      • Conducting performance mapping across the operating range to assess the compressor’s efficiency, reliability, and stability.
      • Monitoring and analyzing key performance parameters, such as pressure differentials, power consumption, and temperature profiles.
      • Assessing system integration, including control strategies, instrumentation, and safety interlocks.
      • Identifying and addressing any issues or deviations that may affect the compressor’s performance, reliability, or safety.
  6. Which factors determine the need for performance tests at the shop vs. at the site?

  1. Factors determining the need for performance tests: a. Equipment Complexity: Highly customized or specialized centrifugal compressors may require shop testing to ensure they meet design specifications, while site testing may be necessary to verify performance in the actual plant environment. b. Contractual Obligations: The scope and specifications of the project may specify the need for both shop and site performance tests to meet contractual obligations and performance guarantees. c. Project Requirements: Project-specific requirements, such as regulatory compliance, safety standards, and industry best practices, may necessitate performance tests at the shop and/or site.

  2. Applying performance tests at the shop: a. Performance Verification: Conduct comprehensive tests at the shop to verify that the centrifugal compressor meets the specified design requirements, performance guarantees, and contractual obligations. b. Mechanical and Aerodynamic Performance: Measure and evaluate key parameters such as pressure, flow, efficiency, and temperature to ensure they align with the design specifications. c. Performance Mapping: Conduct tests across various operating points to assess the compressor’s behavior and characteristics, including surge and choke limits. d. Vibration Analysis: Assess mechanical vibrations, clearances, and alignment to ensure they meet specified tolerances. e. Auxiliary Systems and Controls: Evaluate the performance of auxiliary systems, controls, and safety features associated with the compressor to ensure their proper functioning.

  3. Applying performance tests at the site: a. Performance Verification under Actual Operating Conditions: Conduct tests at the installation site to verify the centrifugal compressor’s performance under real-world operating conditions, accounting for system pressure, temperature, and flow variations. b. Performance Mapping across Operating Range: Measure and analyze performance parameters such as pressure differentials, power consumption, temperature profiles, and efficiency across the operating range. c. System Integration Assessment: Evaluate the integration of the centrifugal compressor into the overall plant system, including control strategies, instrumentation, and safety interlocks. d. Troubleshooting and Issue Resolution: Identify and address any performance deviations, issues, or abnormalities that may impact the compressor’s reliability and safety. e. Ongoing Performance Monitoring: Establish a system for continuous monitoring of key performance indicators to detect any degradation or performance drift over time.


  1. Procedures and Actions for Shop Performance Tests: a. Test Plan Development: Develop a comprehensive test plan that outlines the specific procedures, measurements, and criteria to be used during the performance test. b. Performance Verification: Verify that the centrifugal compressor meets design specifications, performance guarantees, and contractual obligations through rigorous testing and measurement. c. Performance Mapping: Conduct tests across various operating points to assess the compressor’s behavior, characteristics, and performance limits, including surge and choke limits. d. Mechanical Inspection: Perform a thorough inspection of mechanical components, including clearances, alignments, and integrity, to ensure they meet specified tolerances and quality standards. e. Vibration Analysis: Conduct vibration analysis to identify any abnormal vibrations or resonance issues that could affect reliability and safety. f. Control System Testing: Evaluate the performance of auxiliary systems, controls, and safety features associated with the compressor to ensure their proper functioning. g. Documentation and Reporting: Document the test results, including measurements, observations, and any deviations from expected performance. Provide a comprehensive report detailing the test findings and recommendations for improvement, if necessary.

  2. Procedures and Actions for Site Performance Tests: a. Pre-Test Preparation: Ensure that the installation site is ready for testing, including proper commissioning, integration into the plant system, and compliance with safety regulations. b. Performance Verification under Actual Operating Conditions: Conduct tests to verify the centrifugal compressor’s performance under real-world operating conditions, accounting for system pressure, temperature, and flow variations. c. Performance Mapping across Operating Range: Measure and analyze key performance parameters, including pressure differentials, power consumption, temperature profiles, and efficiency, across the compressor’s operating range. d. System Integration Assessment: Evaluate the integration of the centrifugal compressor into the overall plant system, including control strategies, instrumentation, and safety interlocks, to ensure proper functionality and interaction with other components. e. Troubleshooting and Issue Resolution: Identify and address any performance deviations, issues, or abnormalities that may impact the compressor’s reliability and safety. Conduct root cause analysis and implement appropriate corrective actions. f. Ongoing Performance Monitoring: Establish a system for continuous monitoring of key performance indicators to detect any degradation or performance drift over time. Implement condition monitoring techniques, such as vibration analysis or real-time data acquisition, to ensure early detection of potential issues. g. Documentation and Reporting: Document the site performance test results, including measurements, observations, any deviations from expected performance, and the actions taken to address them. Provide a comprehensive report outlining the test findings, recommendations, and any further steps for improvement.

  3. Studies and Mitigation for Performance Test Improvement:

  1. Studies for Performance Test Improvement: a. Failure Analysis Studies: Conduct thorough failure analysis studies to understand common failure modes and root causes specific to centrifugal compressors. Analyze historical data, case studies, and industry best practices to identify areas of improvement. b. Reliability and Safety Studies: Perform comprehensive reliability and safety studies to assess potential risks, vulnerabilities, and safety concerns associated with the performance of centrifugal compressors. Use the findings to enhance performance testing protocols and mitigate identified risks. c. Operational and Maintenance Studies: Analyze operational and maintenance data to identify patterns or trends that could impact the performance, reliability, and safety of centrifugal compressors. This includes studying maintenance practices, inspection records, and repair histories to identify areas for improvement.

  2. Mitigation Measures for Performance Test Improvement: a. Enhanced Quality Control: Implement rigorous quality control measures throughout the manufacturing process to ensure that centrifugal compressors meet design specifications and performance requirements before conducting performance tests. b. Improved Component Testing: Enhance testing and inspection of critical components, such as impellers, bearings, seals, and control systems, to identify any potential weaknesses or performance deviations. c. Advanced Instrumentation and Monitoring: Utilize advanced instrumentation and monitoring techniques, such as real-time data acquisition systems and condition monitoring tools, to capture and analyze performance data during both shop and site tests. This enables early detection of anomalies and proactive maintenance measures. d. Enhanced Test Procedures: Continuously review and refine the test procedures based on lessons learned from previous performance tests and industry best practices. Incorporate specific test points, performance criteria, and acceptance criteria to ensure accurate and comprehensive evaluations. e. Training and Competency Development: Invest in training programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of personnel involved in performance testing. This includes training on test procedures, data analysis techniques, and safety protocols to ensure accurate and reliable test results.

  3. Recommendations for Performance Test Improvement: a. Establish Standardized Testing Protocols: Develop standardized testing protocols for both shop and site performance tests. These protocols should include clear guidelines on test procedures, measurement techniques, data analysis methods, and reporting formats. b. Incorporate Industry Standards and Guidelines: Align performance testing procedures with relevant industry standards and guidelines, such as API 617 and ISO 5389. These standards provide valuable recommendations and requirements for performance testing of centrifugal compressors. c. Document and Share Best Practices: Encourage knowledge sharing within the organization and industry by documenting and sharing best practices related to performance testing. This helps in disseminating lessons learned and promoting continuous improvement. d. Regularly Review and Update Test Procedures: Continuously review and update performance test procedures to incorporate technological advancements, regulatory changes, and lessons learned from previous tests. This ensures that the test procedures remain effective and up-to-date. e. Collaborate with Equipment Manufacturers: Engage in active collaboration with equipment manufacturers and industry experts to exchange knowledge, gather insights, and implement state-of-the-art testing techniques. This collaboration can lead to improved performance testing practices and better outcomes.