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Our support can help to get a higher performance and reliability, maintainability, availability and safety in turbomachinery






Reliability is an essential aspect of turbomachinery performance, as it ensures that the equipment can operate continuously and efficiently without frequent breakdowns or failures. Here are some key factors that contribute to high reliability in turbomachinery:
Proper equipment design: Turbomachinery should be designed to meet the specific application requirements, such as flow rate, pressure, and temperature. The design should take into account the fluid properties, operating conditions, and performance objectives. A well-designed turbomachinery system will have a higher degree of reliability.
Quality materials: The components of turbomachinery should be made of high-quality materials that are durable and resistant to wear, corrosion, and fatigue. The materials used in the manufacture of the equipment should be selected based on the operating conditions, type of fluid, and other factors that may affect the reliability of the equipment.
Regular maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential to ensure that the turbomachinery operates reliably. The maintenance activities should include cleaning, lubrication, inspection, and repair or replacement of worn or damaged components. Routine maintenance should be performed on a schedule that minimizes downtime and prevents unplanned equipment failures.
Performance monitoring: The performance of the turbomachinery should be regularly monitored to ensure that it is operating at peak efficiency. This can be achieved through the use of sensors, monitoring software, and other techniques that provide real-time information on equipment performance.
Emergency preparedness: Turbomachinery operators should have an emergency preparedness plan in place to minimize downtime in the event of unexpected equipment failures or malfunctions. The plan should include procedures for rapid response, emergency shutdown, and equipment repair or replacement.
Training and expertise: Turbomachinery operators should be trained and experienced in the proper operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of the equipment. This will help ensure that the equipment is operated safely and efficiently, and that any issues that arise are addressed promptly and effectively.
Overall, reliability in turbomachinery requires a combination of proper equipment design, quality materials, regular maintenance, performance monitoring, emergency preparedness, and training and expertise. By following these principles, operators can maximize the reliability of their turbomachinery and ensure optimal performance and uptime.


Maintainability is an important aspect of turbomachinery performance, as it refers to the ease and speed with which the equipment can be maintained or repaired. Here are some key factors that contribute to high maintainability in turbomachinery:
Accessibility: Turbomachinery components should be easily accessible for maintenance and repair. This means that components should be located in areas that are easy to reach, and there should be adequate space for technicians to perform maintenance and repair work.
Standardization: The use of standardized parts and components can improve maintainability. Standardized components are readily available, and technicians can quickly replace damaged or worn parts without having to wait for custom or specialized components.
Documentation: Accurate and up-to-date documentation is essential for maintaining turbomachinery. Documentation should include technical specifications, maintenance procedures, and troubleshooting guides. Having access to accurate documentation helps technicians diagnose problems quickly and efficiently.
Maintenance tools: Having the right tools on hand is essential for maintaining turbomachinery. Tools should be properly calibrated and maintained to ensure that they perform their intended function correctly. Investing in high-quality tools and equipment can improve maintenance efficiency and reduce downtime.
Training: Proper training is critical for maintaining turbomachinery. Technicians should receive training on the proper use of maintenance tools and equipment, as well as on maintenance procedures and troubleshooting techniques. This can help reduce errors and increase efficiency during maintenance and repair work.
Spare parts inventory: Maintaining an inventory of spare parts can help reduce downtime when maintenance or repairs are necessary. Spare parts should be readily available, and there should be an inventory management system in place to ensure that spare parts are properly stocked and tracked.
Overall, maintainability in turbomachinery requires a combination of accessibility, standardization, documentation, maintenance tools, training, and spare parts inventory. By following these principles, operators can improve the efficiency of maintenance and repair work, reduce downtime, and ensure that the equipment is operating at optimal performance levels.


Availability is an important performance metric for turbomachinery, as it represents the percentage of time that the equipment is available for use over a given period. High availability means that the equipment is reliable and able to operate continuously without unexpected shutdowns or downtime. Here are some key factors that contribute to high availability in turbomachinery: Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential for maximizing the availability of turbomachinery. Scheduled maintenance should be performed on a regular basis to identify and correct issues before they lead to equipment failure or downtime. Maintenance should include cleaning, lubrication, inspection, and repair or replacement of worn or damaged components. Redundancy: Turbomachinery systems can be designed with redundancy to improve availability. Redundancy means that multiple components or systems are used in parallel to ensure that if one component or system fails, there is another one available to continue operations. Redundancy can be achieved through the use of multiple compressors or pumps, for example. Predictive maintenance: Predictive maintenance techniques can be used to identify potential issues before they lead to equipment failure or downtime. Predictive maintenance uses data analysis and monitoring to identify changes in equipment performance that may indicate a problem. This allows maintenance to be performed proactively, reducing the risk of unexpected shutdowns or downtime. Emergency preparedness: Turbomachinery operators should have an emergency preparedness plan in place to minimize downtime in the event of unexpected equipment failures or malfunctions. The plan should include procedures for rapid response, emergency shutdown, and equipment repair or replacement. Training and expertise: Turbomachinery operators should be trained and experienced in the proper operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of the equipment. This will help ensure that the equipment is operated safely and efficiently, and that any issues that arise are addressed promptly and effectively. Overall, availability in turbomachinery requires a combination of regular maintenance, redundancy, predictive maintenance, emergency preparedness, and training and expertise. By following these principles, operators can maximize the availability of their turbomachinery and ensure optimal performance and uptime.




Good safety practices are critical in turbomachinery to ensure the protection of personnel, equipment, and the environment. Turbomachinery, such as gas turbines and compressors, operate under high temperatures, pressures, and rotational speeds, which can pose significant safety risks if not properly managed.

Here are some of the good safety practices in turbomachinery:

  1. Hazard identification and risk assessment: Before operating turbomachinery, it is important to identify potential hazards and assess the risks associated with them. This includes identifying potential sources of ignition, leaks, and equipment failures.

  2. Safety systems and interlocks: Turbomachinery must be equipped with appropriate safety systems and interlocks to prevent hazardous situations from occurring. These can include fire detection and suppression systems, overspeed protection systems, and emergency shutdown systems.

  3. Personal protective equipment: Personnel working with turbomachinery must be provided with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect against hazards such as high temperatures, rotating machinery, and chemicals.

  4. Maintenance and inspection: Regular maintenance and inspection of turbomachinery are critical to ensure safe and reliable operation. This includes inspecting critical components such as blades, seals, and bearings to identify any signs of wear or damage.

  5. Training and education: Personnel working with turbomachinery must be properly trained and educated on safety practices and procedures. This includes understanding the hazards associated with turbomachinery, proper use of PPE, and emergency response procedures.

  6. Environmental considerations: Turbomachinery can generate emissions and noise, which can pose safety risks to personnel and the environment. Therefore, it is important to design and operate turbomachinery with appropriate environmental controls, such as noise-reducing features and emissions controls.

In summary, good safety practices in turbomachinery require a combination of hazard identification and risk assessment, safety systems and interlocks, personal protective equipment, regular maintenance and inspection, training and education, and environmental considerations. By ensuring these practices are in place, turbomachinery can operate safely and effectively, protecting personnel, equipment, and the environment.


Quality control is a critical aspect of turbomachinery performance, as it ensures that the equipment is manufactured and maintained to meet high standards of quality and reliability. Here are some key factors that contribute to effective quality control in turbomachinery:

  1. Design and engineering: Quality control begins with the design and engineering of turbomachinery. Design and engineering processes should be carefully controlled and monitored to ensure that the equipment meets all required specifications and standards. This includes ensuring that materials, components, and manufacturing processes are all of high quality.

  2. Manufacturing: The manufacturing process for turbomachinery components should be carefully controlled to ensure that components are manufactured to the required specifications and standards. This includes quality control checks during manufacturing, and inspections to ensure that components meet the required tolerances and specifications.

  3. Inspection and testing: Quality control inspections and testing are critical for ensuring that turbomachinery components meet the required specifications and standards. Inspections and testing should be performed at various stages of manufacturing and assembly, including incoming inspections for raw materials and components, in-process inspections during manufacturing, and final inspections before the equipment is shipped to the customer.

  4. Traceability: Quality control also requires traceability of all components and materials used in the manufacturing process. This means that each component should be clearly marked and tracked throughout the manufacturing process, to ensure that it meets the required specifications and standards.

  5. Documentation: Quality control documentation is important for ensuring that turbomachinery components are manufactured and maintained to the required specifications and standards. Documentation should include specifications, test procedures, inspection reports, and other relevant information.

  6. Continuous improvement: Quality control is an ongoing process, and continuous improvement is essential for ensuring that turbomachinery components meet the highest standards of quality and reliability. This requires a commitment to ongoing training, monitoring, and improvement of manufacturing and maintenance processes.

Overall, effective quality control in turbomachinery requires a combination of careful design and engineering, controlled manufacturing processes, inspections and testing, traceability, documentation, and continuous improvement. By following these principles, operators can ensure that their turbomachinery meets the highest standards of quality and reliability, resulting in optimal performance and uptime.


Design and engineering are critical aspects of turbomachinery performance, as they determine the efficiency, reliability, and safety of the equipment. Here are some key factors that contribute to effective design and engineering in turbomachinery:

  1. Performance requirements: Design and engineering of turbomachinery must begin with a clear understanding of the performance requirements. This includes considerations such as flow rate, pressure, temperature, and efficiency. The equipment must be designed to meet these requirements while also ensuring safe and reliable operation.

  2. Material selection: Material selection is an important aspect of turbomachinery design and engineering. Materials must be selected based on their ability to withstand the operating conditions of the equipment, including temperature, pressure, and corrosive environments. Materials must also be selected based on their mechanical properties, such as strength, stiffness, and toughness.

  3. Component design: Turbomachinery components must be designed to meet the required specifications and standards. Component design must consider factors such as stress, strain, and vibration, and must be optimized for maximum efficiency and reliability.

  4. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD): CFD analysis is an important tool for turbomachinery design and engineering. CFD simulations can be used to predict the flow behavior of fluids within the equipment, allowing for optimization of component design and performance.

  5. Finite element analysis (FEA): FEA analysis is another important tool for turbomachinery design and engineering. FEA simulations can be used to predict the stress and strain behavior of components under various operating conditions, allowing for optimization of component design and reliability.

  6. Safety considerations: Safety is a critical aspect of turbomachinery design and engineering. Equipment must be designed and engineered to meet all applicable safety standards and regulations, and must be designed to minimize the risk of accidents or failures that could result in injury or damage.

Overall, effective design and engineering in turbomachinery requires a combination of performance requirements, material selection, component design, CFD and FEA analysis, safety considerations, and other factors. By following these principles, operators can ensure that their turbomachinery is designed and engineered to meet the highest standards of efficiency, reliability, and safety.

“excellence in turbomachinery requires a combination of design, materials, manufacturing, maintenance, and operational expertise, and is critical to achieving high levels of efficiency, reliability, and durability. Turbomachinery that is designed, manufactured, and maintained to a high standard can provide reliable and efficient performance, while minimizing downtime and maintenance costs."


We support technically any operating plant or industrial project about the reliability in turbomachinery, with experience related with oil, gas and petrochemical industry, through a senior specialist in turbomachinery with field and design experience in last 40 years.


Whether you have been affected in turbomachinery with bad performance, or a low reliability, low availability, low safety or high maitainability, all you need is to receive a technical support or recommendations by senior specialists in this kind of machines, in order to improve all those issues. We’re here to analyze your specific case and to provide technical support and to answer any questions.